Rainbow Dash clearly did not see the need to save her breath, and let out a loud “See ya, Sucker!” followed by a mirthful cackle.
Grinning up at her partner in crime, Twilight leapt down the stairs of the mansion, and took a sharp right towards the harbor. She knew they’d get in trouble with the generals for not being more cautious in their plundering; however, both she and Rainbow loved the thrill of the chase and could easily avoid capture, so they enjoyed causing as much trouble as possible during every one of their adventures.
“Hey Twi, don’t go down that way! It’s a dead end!”
Quickly altering her path, the young alicorn used her wings to boost her as she leapt over a stone wall, gliding to the ground on the other side with ease.
She did not like to use her wings much. When General Celestia had given her the wings, not a year ago, it had taken Twilight nearly a month to be able to fly smoothly. She had since then learned to maneuver fairly well at an acceptable speed; however, she found that it was usually more effective to use them only for minimal maneuvers while she would play her strengths on the ground.
Another turn and the two pirates were plowing through a crowded market place. Rainbow had to switch between gliding and leaping from venders’ carts in order to avoid running into other pegasi flying about. Twilight on the other hand, plowed right through the crowd, her eyes gleaming mischievously as ponies dove helter-skelter to try and keep from being trampled.
She was slightly taller and more built them most unicorns, and ever since she had become an alicorn, Twilight seemed even larger and more intimidating than ever.
While the chaos of the crowd spread, more excitement was brought to the scene when three groups of guard ponies thundered into the market place, each from a different direction.
Thinking quickly, Twilight ran over to a cart of apples. In order to lift them with her magic she would have to set down some of the jewels, since she was already holding as much as her magic could take. Then, leaping on top of the cart, the alicorn began hurling the fruits faster than hoofballs at their gaining enemies.
It did not take much to send the puny guards running (probably because they don’t have much training, Twilight snorted to herself), leaving a clear trail for the pirates to continue their flight to the ocean.
Twilight levitated the jewels from the ground once more, only to drop them again when somepony kicked her hard from behind, sending the alicorn flying through the air. Though she landed flat on her face, Twilight leapt back to her hooves, whirling to face her advisory.
An orange-ish earth pony mare stood scowling at her, poised to charge. Every toned muscle of the mare was tensed as she anticipated Twilight’s next more, her green eyes sparkling with excitement. “What makes ya’ think ya’ can go about tearin’ up other ponies hard work, huh, pirate?” She spat the last word like venom.
Twilight grinned up at her, “The same thing that makes me think you’re gonna be even angrier than you are in just a second.”
The mare opened her mouth again to say a snappy remark, but Rainbow Dash slammed into her, and the two of them went tumbling across the ground. They were up again in a moment, and when they made eye contact both of them froze. “Rain… Rainbow Dash?” The mare gaped in astonishment for a few seconds, but her expression soon morphed into one of anger. “I’MMA KNOCK SOME SENSE INT’A THAT DARN HEAD O’ YERS, YA’ DARN IDIOT!” She charged at the blue pegasus, just missing plowing into her by a few inches as Rainbow leapt gracefully into the air.
“I missed you too, Apple jack!” The pirate laughed, soaring above the now-diminished crowd. “Let’s get outta here Twi!”
“Right behind you!” Twilight snatched up as many of the riches as possible before Applejack charged at her. She had to leave most of the plunder behind in order to avoid getting her ribs smashed in by the raging farmer, who kept shouting threats as she zoomed after the two thieves.
They dashed through crowded streets, making as many tight turns as possible to shake free their assailant. Once they had put enough ground between them and her, the pirates made their way to the harbor where they leapt onto their small ship and took off, just in time to keep her from leaping on with them. “DARN PIRATES!!!” The frustration in her holler sent Twilight into a fit of laughter on the ground, while Rainbow waved back at the fuming farmer, grinning cheekily.
Once she had wiped away the tears from her smiling eyes, Twilight asked, “Was that the farmer you used to be really close to?”
“Yeah! She hasn’t changed one bit!” Rainbow laughed. Her eyes fell onto the tiny pile of loot. “What happened to all our stuff?!”
“Oh well, ahe…” Twilight tapped her hooves together. “You see… I didn’t exactly have time to pick them all back up when we started running from your friend, sooo… yeah.”