I don’t watch Dr. Who. I’ve never seen an episode, only clips. I don’t really plan on watching it despite all I hear. So I really just go by fan portrayals of this background pony, my favorite being the one from the youtube series with Ditzy and the Doctor.
And for that portrayal, I like it. He makes Ditzy look like a normal pony. XDDD Which is hilarious.
I don’t really think of him as the actual Doctor who wound up in Equestria. That would bother me. A lot. Because I have issues with the Human/Pony pairings. Just no thanks. To me, he was always a pony, just not one from Equestria. Obviously.
But I dunno, When it comes to these two I’m the kind of shipper I don’t like. The kind who doesn’t get most other pairings and can’t really stand seeing one of them (Whooves mostly) with someone else. Especially the sexy other Whooves characters ponified.
… buuut I also don’t like that because I think of them as OCs at that point.
But yeah.
In this picture Ditzy Doo’s likely seen one of the assistant’s of Doctor’s past or something somehow and feels like a downgrade.
They aren’t together in this picture either buuut I like to think that tension has begun to set in.