
Rarity: “I’m not one of your fried chicken tramps, I’m a mare! I like my drakes dangerous, mysterious! You want to be my lover?! Earn it!”
Sorry, Alcor, but I’m really not sorry
This is an edit of >>1468544
Edit inspired by this 
Context for that can be found here, though as we all know, context is for the weak!
Thankfully Spike isn’t bread.

questionable149034 artist:alcor1277 edit171818 rarity230119 spike96117 dragon114606 pony1924561 unicorn688463 comic:display of passion150 anonymous editor603 bipedal47800 bucket3286 comic132538 crotchboobs33944 deep fried desire1 dialogue99677 expiration date82 female1709985 male513954 mare923939 music notes4795 nudity543584 reference6038 screaming4985 shipping259316 shower5042 shower curtain89 silhouette3380 sparity8670 straight183229 surprised12854 team fortress 27136 teleportation764 text edit1541 wat21057


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