I return from the shadows because today is a pretty special day.
Today (10/12/19) wraps up a long 9 year series that changed a lot of people.
Yeah MLP finally airs it’s finale. (Officially today. Leaks don’t count. Boo if you’ve seen it already)
And even though I haven’t done any MLP stuff for a long while, hearing about the show finally ending still resonated with me and pushed me to make something celebratory.
I felt like I really haven’t made an “official” MLP piece after announcing me moving onto my own personal projects and so I remedied that with this.
Like most other people in this fandom, this show also changed me as a person. Aside from the obvious things, heh, the Lauren Faust My Little Pony was something special.
Back in 2011, I never expected a show to just surprise me out of nowhere and make me binge watch it straight through. When I first heard about the show, I was a regular user on forums with my friends and they would have signature images of MLP characters and I saw it as humorous and a joke. I played along for the luls and started hearing my other friends take a chance with this show and it lowered my “macho, hah this BS is for little girls” shield down a bit until they started telling me, “No i recommend it, it’s different”.
I took a chance, swallowed my “manly” pride and started watching the first 4 episodes back in June 2011.
Holy shit, like a snowball going down a hill and picking up momentum, I found myself down the rabbit hole into pony purgatory. I binge watched that whole fucking season cause it was new, it was different, the show had relatable characters, very good life lessons that applied to even adults. It had references to other films, movies, TV shows and jokes that made me laugh. It was enjoyable and something in me changed.
I wanted MORE of this. This was after the first season ended, but to give you some perspective of where I was back in late 2011, I was lonely, coming off losing a ton of weight and trying to be healthy, out of college feeling lost and having no direction and regrets about not networking and making friends and just sad and struggling with my personal issues with gender.
Around that time, I was trying to get more active in local conventions as a photographer and get myself out there. And failing all the same being anti-social and feeling ugly at the same time.
All it took was one afternoon to completely change everything.