Eventually Luna figured it out, and would swim just as fine as her sister. Celestia was so happy to see her sister learn from her. Smiling, She said to Luna “let’s go out further where it’s really deep.” Luna gave a concerned expression, but decided to try it out anyway, after all she could just fly out at any time, “how embarrassing that would be” she thought to herself. They both make it out right in the middle of the Sea, the water ripples from their kicks are the only sounds that can be heard.
“This is nice” Luna said to her sister, “I wish this could be forever, I wish we didn’t have so many responsibilities, I wish we could be normal like everyone else, so we could be together more” Celestia felt a squeeze in her throat, she never really feels this way, always preoccupied with the amazing duty of running equestria. “I do too sister, this is very nice” Luna swims over to her sister, unable to take the smile off her face. She placed her head over Celsetia’s withers and closes her eyes, “I love you, my sister” Celestia turns around and leans her neck into her sister’s, “I love you too” they both cease treading the water, and wrap their fore hooves around each other as tight as they can.
Gracefully, they descend into the water, hooves still wrapped around each other with an undying grip. They cannot breathe, but they do not want this to end. After all…what in this world could possibly be better than a little sisterly love?”
For: ThatDrowningGuy Hope you like it and thank you for the story!