Okay, I got some sleep. Time to write then.
You know what? I think I know why I haven’t drawn Octavia before. It’s this goddamn… cello… double bass… whatever. I don’t even know what is it! Bass has a slightly different shape, but cello has longer spike. Can’t tell anything about the size because ponies.
Anyways, it was pretty difficult to draw.
UPDATE: Okay, you say it’s cello and I believe you.
But apart from this cello Octavia is a pleasure to draw. Long, curvy lines, toned colors, elegant clothing… Speaking of clothing - why doesn’t she wear a dress? Well, I always magine her as a very elegant pony, but more into men’s fashion - suits and so. It just fits her so well!
Other Steampunk Ponies:
The Inventor - Twilight Sparkle >>3872
The Timid - Fluttershy >>3855
The Mechanic - Applejack >>75758
The Pilot - Rainbow Dash >>2536
The Random - Pinkie Pie >>2541
The Lady - Rarity >>3687
The Dentist - Colgate >>4053
The Princesses - Celestia and Nightmare Moon >>3972
The Flyers - Spitfire and Soarin’ >>4758
The Smuggler - Carrot Top >>19100
The Messenger - Derpy Hooves >>34431
The Dreamer - Lyra >>46445
The Professor - Cheerilee >>47442
The Virtuoso - Octavia >>Here
The Evil Queen - Chrysalis >>50247
The DJ - Vinyl Scratch >>51412
The Soldier - Big Macintosh >>57995
The Illusionist - Trixie >>74358