So as far as how I plan to release these comics….I will stick to the U.S. EP release schedule. It’s quite simple for reason….I can’t do 2 episode comics in one week. :P That’s impossible at my pace and I am not working myself to death to make that happen…..unless I remove all my BGs or do post episode single pics. :P But that won’t happen either cause I don’t like doing that. The main reason is that I won’t have to burn myself out with content and I am pump out a constant stream of comics and get ahead of stuff. Think smart, not overkill. Oh and if I do the normal release schedule the U.S. has it’s just so much easier even though I may have seen the EPs already weeks ago and many too. :D Oh and this comic was a fun one to do. I am not used to making the CMCs still and trying to make a little bit older Sweetie Belle was interesting but just wait till the comic next week. :P
Ok so that’s my plan going forward. The comics will be on the U.S. release even though I have seen the EPs weeks ago. Pre-EP comics when I did this one will eventually become post-EP comics for the most part if I got a good enough idea for one starting in about 2-3 weeks when the show overtakes my comics pace by episode 12. It will be very interesting so I wanna see how that turns out. Oh and next week I will have my online store totally updated and it will have everything I sell at conventions and stuff I stopped selling years ago. Keep an eye on a journal for that cause with no pony cons this year this will be pretty much the main way to get stuff from me if people want it. :) Onward to next week….and the early Episodes.