[Previous][Index][Next] [Follow me on twitter?] * * * I don’t care who you are, if you’re up against a Full-Powered Celestia and Luna empowered by Insight and the everlasting love for all life there is, was and will be, you’re gonna lose. Fast.Tip for Coloring:So you’ve drawn your lineart. Great! You have the lineart in it’s own layer. Great! When I go to flood-fill with the painbucket in the special colors layer for my artwork, there’s an icky-looking space of semi-transparent pixels between the splash of color and the lineart. Eww.How do I fix it? First, fill in the lineart layer (Shift + F5), but with the following settings: Under Contents, Use: White, under Blending, Mode: Behind (You’ll need to make sure the layer’s transparent pixels are unlocked. Use the tiny checkerboard button on the layers palette to turn the lock on or off.). One you’ve done that, Go to Image > Adjustments > Posterize… From the toolbar, and set the posterization level to 2.Once you’ve done that, use the Magic Wand Tool, with Anti-alias, Contiguous, and Sample All Layers un-checked to select all the white pixels in the lineart layer, and delete them. Now, even though you line art will look all jagged, the Paint Bucket will the able to fill in everything much more nicely, especially if anti-aliasing is turned off on it too.Don’t mind the jaggies, they’ll go away when you shrink the picture down for posting. * * * My Little Pony (c) Hasbro, Friendship is Magic was created by and assistants.
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