[Previous][Index][Next][Follow me on twitter?] * * * Welcome to a special early-morning addition of The Night the Magic Died! Typed out on an old keyboard whose keys you have to pound like nails into a board, all the while running on no sleep since 3pm yesterday (it’s 6:30am right now), let see how this goes.It’s fun for me, flashing back to earlier in the comic. Not only does it help tie the narrative together, it also helps show the contrast and change in artstyle as I progressed through the making of the comic! That, and it saves me the effort of making new artwork. XDNahmat is not good with kids. Which fits, since she doesn’t seem to be good with people in general.I was planning on putting an orb of light in the palm of Nahmat’s paw, but after a half hour of struggling to make it look good and not being able to meet my satisfaction, I removed it. That’s when I realized how eerily magical her paw looked with the lighting I had given it, so I decided to stick with that. * * * My Little Pony (c) Hasbro, Friendship is Magic was created by and assistants.
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