
Today’s prompt is a bit peculiar: Draw a pony experiencing how you discovered FiM for the very first time.

So a bit of origin “how I came into the fandom” story. There’s a short and a long version to this tale. I’ll stick to the short one for convenience!
Being nowhere close to the initial targeted demographic, and the pony fandom and products having less impact in France than in the US, MLP FiM flew completely under my radar, apart from a brief experience in 2014 (but that’s the long-story part!).
At least until late 2016, for Christmas, when I had to find a present for my very young niece.
I leaned toward the curious pastel colored ponies, but being a wise uncle, I didn’t want to get her anything without being sure it wasn’t crap, so before buying anything I looked up the ponies & affiliated stuff online, ended up somehow on yayponies, and grabbed a few random items to check them out.
And the first one I watched was Equestria Girls. It was weird, but I loved it, and then watched the entire show.
Fortunately, my niece also happened to love them, and since then I shower her with pony-gifts! :)
So yeah, a late arrival, and not a common one, coming in from EqG first.
So you’ll understand why Sunset holds such importance to me, being the first pony I kinda felt attached to. Without her character, who knows, I may not have picked up the show after all.
And adding to that, it’s only for MLP that I started drawing. So I probably wouldn’t be drawing today either without EqG/Sunset!! ^^
Fate/destiny and probabilities! Yay!!


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