Name: Polly Anna
Age: 23
Pony Counterpart: Pinkie Pie
Nationality: Caucasian Romani (the politically correct name for white gypsies)
Occupation: Pizza Chef/Delivery Girl/Party Planner
Powers and Abilities: Super Toughness, can run really fast and jump pretty high despite her weight, her jacket pockets can hold anything, a powerful stomach that can digest all the nasty stuff she eats, Inflate herself.
Personality: Goofy, Absent-minded but not stupid.
Family: A mother and a father, two sisters.
Likes: Food, Making Friends, Throwing Parties, Cartoons, Video Games, Pizza, Her Closest Friends, Having Fun.
Dislikes: Coconuts, Being Alone, First Person Shooters, The Warui Girls
Favorite Pizza Toppings: Anything. But mostly Buffalo Chicken
Trademark Super Smash Bros Victory Theme: Kirby
Notes: If you can believe it, they’re called Pie-Eyes. Get it?