This is the Beginner version of the Pony Challenge, a game for one player. This focuses only on the background ponies, mainly the ponies who debuted in Season 1 (Rare Find debuted in Season 2).
In the Beginner version of Pony Challenge, the player must complete 10 stages. If they lose all three of their hearts, the game is over. If the player comes in first place, they get 10 points. If the player comes in second place, they get 5 points. If the player comes in third place, they get 2 points. If the player come in fourth place, they will not receive any points.
Rare Find has the most stages cleared, with 9 stages cleared and 90 points, which makes him the best, and Derpy has the least stages cleared, with no stages cleared and no points, therefore she is the worst.