Cadance: (gasp) Twilight?
Twilight: Ah! Oh. (giggle) Hi, Dean Cadence.
Cadance: Twilight, how in the world did you end up stuck in here?
Twilight: Oh. I couldn’t help myself. My gut kept telling me to have that last slice of cake.
Cadance: Really, Twilight? Doesn’t your current size already tell you you’ve had more than enough?
Twilight: I’m sorry. Once I start eating, it’s hard for me to stop.
Cadance: Uh-huh? Anyway, I’m going to pull you out. You must be freezing in there.
Twilight: Thanks, yes I am. Not to mention, it’s rather – hhng – cramped too.
Cadance: Uurrrgh! Uurrrggh! Hhhnnng! Hnng! (breathing heavily) Sorry, Twilight. You’re still stuck. You’re massive body won’t budge.
Twilight: (groaned sigh) Ooh.
Cadance: I know. Will you be able to pass me the stick of butter in there? Maybe that will help.
Twilight: Oh. Sorry, Cadence. I.. might’ve… accidentally… already ate it.
Cadance: Really? How much did you eat in there?
Twilight: I might’ve eaten everything in here, except for that cake. Hhhnnng! I still can’t reach it.
Cadance: Honestly, Twilight! You could’ve saved something in here for someone!
Twilight: I’m sorry, but I said before, my tummy keeps telling me to keep eating. I have a serious problem.
Cadance: Well, how else are we going to get you out of there?
Twilight: Hey, do you have any oil in your garage? Maybe that’ll help.
Cadance: I’ll just go and check. I’ll be right back. (Runs off)
Twilight: (groaned sigh)