“Cartoons for girls,” she wrote in December of 2010, two months after the first episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic aired, “dont have to be a puddle of smooshy, cutesy-wootsy, goody-two-shoeness.”
She hired a group of like-minded writers and artists and, with the ever-cautious backing of the executives at Hasbro, orchestrated the telling of “stories with real conflict” involving characters who “can be brave, strong, kind and independentbut they can also be uncertain, awkward, silly, arrogant or stubborn.” She wanted to tell relatable stories using pastel-colored ponies, and on 10/10/10, the first episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic aired.
Five years later, Ms. Faust has moved on, but her core principles remain. And they have changed the lives of thousands of people around the world. From all the fans behind the scenes of Everfree Northwest, we want to say #ThankYouMLP!