Oh yes this is a test of the pony eyebrows i added to dash.
Dash: sniff
Blitz: Oh, are you crying?
Dash: I am not crying you jerk, I have a cold!
Blitz: Me too!
Dash: You don’t say Blitz! It’s your fault, you’ve infected me!
Blitz: It’s not my fault! looks at Dash Are you cold?
Dash: Yes, why?
Blitz: You know what to do when somepony is cold?
Dash: No..
Blitz: hugs her with wing Cuddle~
Dash: I’d rather die from the cold!
Blitz: What?
Dash: Nothing. giggles and sniffs Besides this toilet paper smells weird!
Blitz: Oh that’s because I wiped my but with it.
Dash: What? blushes That’s gross!