Seriously though, what a gorgeously creative movie.
This might be one of those few movies where you can actually feel the magic emanating out of it. The fact that Jim Henson and Frank Oz used nothing but puppets to portray the characters and the creatures of this world makes it all the most unique. You could think that this takes away from the experience, but it really doesnt.
It dragged me into one of the most intense roller coaster rides Ive ever experienced. This is amongst the most memorable fantasy adventures I have ever had the luck to watch. The characters are very strong and well developed, the story and conflict are engaging, and the setting is just unbelievable.There are some parts where I couldnt believe how beautiful and imaginative everything was, like every second of film is filled with a different idea.
I cant recommend this movie hard enough. This is one of the greats.
And now, if you excuse me, I need to finish this quest with the help of our Majesty, King Sombra. Hes a grumpy pants, but hes a lovable dorky grumpy pants.