
Rarity was always getting tired of Applejack walking into her boutique in a mess from working on the farm. So she developed a cleaning spell to use on her. Rarity invites Applejack one day to test it out her new. Applejack was very confident that nothing could go wrong, since Twilight is usually the one to cause magical mishaps.
Rarity zaps a dirty Applejack as magical soap starts to scrub her down. She sees the dirt start to disappear as the soap keep on rubbing all over Applejack. “Success!” Rairty yells out in glee, but she starts to notice the spell not stopping as they keep on scrubbing her.
“Rarity! Would ya kindly please tell ya soapy friends ta stop?!” Applejack spits out as the spell starts to get more and more aggressive. Rarity starts to see her friend covered in suds as the orange mare decides to take matters into her own hooves. She starts to bat away a bar of the magical soap only to be met with it attached to her hoof, melding into her own fur, transforming her rough hoof into a smooth shiny hoof. Applejack yells out at what the soap has done to her hoof, now a bit deformed and perfectly smooth. The other bars follow in suit and latch onto her other hooves transforming them as well. The magical soap attaches all over Applejack, smoothing her body everywhere, shifting her once rough exterior into a smooth one.
The spell finishes as Applejack starts to feel a bit weak, she tries to trot on all fours, only to slip and fall on the floor. Applejack sits up on the floor to yell at Rarity, though Rarity tries to cheer up Applejack by claiming how wonderful her new fur and mane are now. “It’s perfect darling! You are now the envy of all mares in Equestria!” Rarity yells out touching AJ’s smooth hoof and giggling a bit. Applejack quickly retracts her hoof away to grab her hat to plop on her head…..only for it to slide off moments later.
Clearly upset by this, she urges Rarity to find a counter spell while she goes back to work on the farm. Its tough bucking apples for Applejack now, slipping everywhere with her new soft hooves; not to mention her kicks are not as strong as they once were. Slipping as she starts to head out Rarity lends her a hoof and pushes Applejack out of her boutique in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres so that she may just slide allt he way there.
Ever optimistic, at least she doesnt have to worry about taking a bath.


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