The sister ship to the USS Enterprise-E, the USS Cupcake Slash was built in 2374. But Starfleet decided to put the ship in storage until it was needed in case the Enterprise-E gets destroyed. After two decades in storage, the Aridaginatan threat of the 2390s arrived. The Cupcake Slash was soon taken out of storage in 2392. She was put under the command of Q himself. Soon, the Cupcake Slash battled the space sirens with grace. In 2398,the Cupcake Slash was among the ships in the Battle Of DS9. It was a Starfleet victory. But unfortunately, after catching up with the USS Sunset Shimmer when it travelled back in time to 2014, the Cupcake Slash was hijacked by the surviving Aridaginatans. The ship ended up attacking Canterlot, including Canterlot High, but the alliance between the Sunset Shimmer’s crew and the Geode Bearers put an end to the rampage by using the magic of friendship against its warp core, sending the ship into an uncontrollable warp 16, which caused the core to overload & breach, eventually destroying both the ship and the remaining Aridaginatans near the peanut planet (where the ship’s remains are). The day is saved again by the magic of friendship, although the USS Cupcake Slash is a total loss.
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