
Tempest Shadow to Twilight Sparkle
Spring Rain to Rainbow Dash
Glitter Drops to Pinkie Pie
Autumn Blaze to Fluttershy
Kerfuffle to Rarity
Torque Wrench to Applejack

safe2258076 artist:徐詩珮8701 autumn blaze5845 fizzlepop berrytwist9516 glitter drops5878 kerfuffle755 spring rain5542 tempest shadow18599 torque wrench300 earth pony629932 pegasus697999 pony1924571 unicorn688466 alternate mane six363 alternate universe13859 atorqueable30 awwtumn blaze902 big crown thingy3133 broken horn15174 cute262541 elements of harmony2902 female1709995 fufflebetes121 glitterbetes2090 horn266520 jewelry114693 lineart24605 mare923943 regalia35317 springbetes2025 tempestbetes2659 traditional art145429


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