so you might be wondering why I called this the aftermath of the cave scene well…a really interesting thought came to mind. What were both sunset shimmer and Sci twi doing when they were trying to break free of the vines..well since we don’t know what both sunset and Sci twi in the cave..trying to break free of vines…I’ve came across my own thoughts and don’t be afraid to add your thoughts as well.
what do you think sunset shimmer and Sci twi were doing in the they were trying to break free of the vines? Your thoughts?
(Please read description)
Ones sunset and Sci twi were free from the vines they rushed back to everfree…but they were to late the magic Gloriosa used covered the hole camp in powerful vines..even more powerful than sunset and twilight were in just a few minutes ago…both girls tryed everything to free there class members..from putting to pushing even trying to use there magic..nothing worked..the only way to save the class was for both sunset shimmer and Sci twi to use the magic of friendship to save camp everfree. And stop Gloriosa.
enjoy everyone