Name: Suncrisp Streak
Age: 10
Sex Male
Species: Pegasus
Family: Rainbow Dash (Mother) Applejack (Mother ‘Father’), Gala Luster (Older Half-Sister), Spectrum Sapling (Younger Twin Sister), Bow Hothoof (First Maternal Grandfather), Windy Whistles (First Maternal Grandmother), Bright Mac (Grandfather) (deceased), Pear Butter (Grandmother) (deceased), Granny Smith (Great Grandmother) (deceased), Grand Pear (Great Grandfather), Apple Bloom (Aunt), Big Mac (Uncle), Sugar Belle (Aunt)
Suncrisp loves his life as an Apple Farmer he hopes to become the owner in the future.Luckily despite having some of her good qualities of honesty and dependability this young colt hasn’t picked her stubbornness as much, but he has his moments. He had a good relationship with his only older sibling, Gala Luster unfortunately she hasn’t come to him or
his twin sister since they were 6. He always looks forward to when she will come back not aware of why she ran away.
Name: Spectrum Sapling
Age: 10
Sex Female
Species: Earth Pony
Family: Rainbow Dash (Mother) Applejack (Mother ‘Father’), Gala Luster (Older Half-Sister), Suncrisp Streak (Older Twin Brother), Bow Hothoof (First Maternal Grandfather), Windy Whistles (First Maternal Grandmother), Bright Mac (Grandfather) (deceased), Pear Butter (Grandmother) (deceased), Granny Smith (Great Grandmother) (deceased), Grand Pear (Great Grandfather), Apple Bloom (Aunt), Big Mac (Uncle), Sugar Belle (Aunt)
The younger twin of Applejack’s second marriage Spectrum is often treated more like a baby than her twin brother which doesn’t make her happy. She’s quite athletic and very strong willed although can be stubborn at knowing when to cut her losses and give up needing to dragged back home sometimes. She always loved spending time with her older sister Gala but is angry with her for not visiting in 4 years and it doesn’t help that she doesn’t get much of answer from her mothers.