The dream took place in some weird version of Equestria, and this huge apocalyptic flood was happening, like most of the land was slowly being covered by the flood. The dream focused on Starlight and Thorax, who were for some reason traveling alone together (I think they were trying to find Twilight and the others, or got separated or something). All these ponies and creatures were constantly trying to move to higher ground to avoid the flood.
I remember Thorax for some reason couldn’t fly. Thorax’s wings were not damaged in the dream, but I drew them that way because the dream didn’t explain why he couldn’t fly other than some vague “He was injured” (which he didn’t look like it in the dream). Maybe this part of the dream was influenced by a part in the story I’m planning where Thorax gets an injury that makes him unable to fly for a while. Starlight couldn’t use her magic very well or at all for some reason (that was also never explained), but I think that was because of something affecting all magic rather than a problem Starlight herself had.
Throughout the dream, I was sometimes Thorax, sometimes Starlight. I remember a part where I was Starlight, and she heard that some ponies had built a “road to safety” before the magic went wrong, and that ponies who couldn’t fly were using it to escape the flood. This road turned out to be this weird boxy “tunnel” (that looked more like a hallway) made out of metal and glass that had a blue tint to it. It looked very well built and us and all the ponies traveling through it were sure it was leading us to safety and that the ponies who made the “road” would be waiting to help us at the end.
But as we walked on, it slowly started looking more and more decrepit, or like the later part of the “road” was hastily put together. And we realized it had started leading downward. Then when we finally exited, we realized it had led us to this huge cavern. We couldn’t immediately see a way out, and there was nothing there but rocks and mud. Other ponies started crying out, wondering why the ones who built the “road” would lead them to such a place and then abandon them. Most of the ponies who had arrived were unicorns or earth ponies but there were a few pegasi. They were all acting very afraid.
In a part where I was Thorax, Starlight saw a makeshift pump thing that seemed to be pumping fresh water. She led me over to it, so we could get a drink. However, once the other ponies noticed us, there was a stampede for the fresh water and we got pushed away. As we backed away, I looked up and saw a hole far above in the ceiling. Then we noticed something horrifying - there was salt water leaking into the cave from various points in the ceiling.
There was panic as the ponies realized the cave was not safe, and faster than seemed possible, the floor was being covered with water - at least a few inches. At one point soon after this, the dream switched around and Starlight was the injured one and I(as Thorax) had to pull her to safety as the water rose. After that, we noticed that other ponies had found the exit, and I think I was Starlight again trying to help Thorax. I don’t remember exactly how that part went, it was kind of confusing.
The “exit” was this poorly constructed elevator shaft in the cave wall that was in a weird place/had been hidden from sight. I remember it being really hard to climb over the rocks to it, but we made it. The elevator shaft was partially covered with water and we knew it would soon be inaccessible. However, despite the crowd of ponies we managed to get onto it, and as it was lifting us up through this space in the cave wall, I woke up.