Hi all, Well it’s been a while since I did a pic so I wanted to do a new one again :) This is a new Picture from me and its kind of a new idea, In this picture I am very sick in the Hospital with Twilight Sparkle as the doctor as an Anthro pony and Misty is the Nurse. I am sick with Hemolytic Anemia with a Hemoglobin of 7.3 g/dl and my Unconjugated bilirubin is 2.6 mg/dl in this picture, So I am getting a transfusion of Blood to help with this which you can see from the IV bag and the Cannula going into my arm, As well I am getting Crystal treatment for the added healing power with Crystal IV in my hand which is causing my fingers to grow very long and boney with large prominant joints. I am Crying because I am sick and I do not want my fingers to grow more. As well there is EKG leads on my cheast hooked up to the Monitor to show my heart rate. And Nurse Misty and Doctor Twilight Sparkle are watching me during the Procedure. Well, I hope you like this pic :)
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