Most anti-bronies are more obsessed with ponies than most bronies.
Anti-bronies are much easier to piss off than bronies.
Many anti-bronies are also homophobes, sexists, and just bigots in general.
Most anti-bronies suffer from hallucinations as all they see around them is ponies, inb4 “BAWWWW MLP IZ EVRYWR!111!!!!”
People who bash cloppers are often bronies in denial.
Amongst those who like to bash bronies are tumblr feminazis, because male fans somehow “rape” the show by liking it.
Furries who hate bronies/vice versa are hypocrites, since bronies are basically a branch of furries.
Average brony is more intelligent, open-minded and fair than average anti-brony.
Peace. :3 This isn’t aimed at sane MLP haters, just the bigoted, self-entitled assholes.