Fluttershy giggled softly, putting her hoof to where her heart was,“Do what you think is right.”
She sighed, feeling her heart pump, surely Flutters felt it too.
“Calm down,” Yup, her guess was right,“Calm down, shh..”
Fluttershy’s soothing voice caught up to her racing mind, she slowly sighed, swiveling down to the floor in defeat.
“..my life is over~~…” She felt herself say, whining.
“Oh no, dear, you’re just flared over your little crush, that’s all.” Fluttershy smiled quietly, sticking out her hoof to help her up.
She grabbed her hoof, getting up from the floor,“Me..the fantastic Rainbow Dash, part of the greatness that is the wonderbolts..fainting to the floor over my marefriend..”
She whimpered, cuddling Fluttershy.
“Sorry..” She felt herself whimper, getting off of her.
“It’s okay, Dashie.”
“You sure?”
“Yep, all good, Dash.”
She felt herself nod, then prodded to her couch,“Hey, Flutters?”
“Do you have a long paper, and a black marker?”
Fluttershy nodded,“Yes, why?”
She felt herself shrug, what am I doing..? She thought,“No reason, I just need to make something, a banner, you could say.”
Fluttershy giggled,“Alright, it’s over there.” She pointed to a table, arts and craft stuff her piled.
She nodded,“Can I have them to go? I’ll bring them back!”
Fluttershy let out a soft laugh,“Of course.”
Rainbow picked up the supplies,“Thanks Flutters! You’re the best friend ever!” She exclaimed, giving Flutters a quick hug, then raced out of her cottage, then flew to her house in cloudsdale.
–At Rainbows house-~~
“Write this..GAH! I MADE A CAPITAL ‘E’!” She exclaimed,“It had to be perfect…OH I KNOW!” She felt like yelling, it helped when she was flustered.
She wrote a signature, “RD, perfect.” She panted, smiling.
“Now to practice..” She winced at the thought of showing this,“I’ll just roll it up and put it in my bag…”
She sighed, grabbing her bag, then flying to the Wonderbolts Academy(Thing)
–At the ‘Thing’(??)-
“U..Uh…Spitfire!” That came out louder then expected..she winced.
“Woah, hey, Dash, what up?”
“C..Can you come with me?” She winced once-more, leading out,“Oh, uh, okay.”
They walked outside, she put her bag down quietly, getting out the banner,“Hey, what’s that?”
She gasped, forgetting about Spitfire,“J..Just..Just watch!” She smiled awkwardly, craning her neck, then back to the bag.
Spitfire nodded.
She pulled out the banner, holding it with her wings, and her hooves.‘Marry ME -RD’ plastered on the banner.
Spitfire giggled, trying not to laugh as she covered her mouth with her hoof,“Your..Your face is priceless..”
Her face was sour, bunched up,“Yeah well read the freaking(LANGUAGE RAINBOW) banner, already.” She snapped.
Spitfire nodded,“Sure, why not, I’ll marry you.”
Little do they know, a specific Soarin was watching the whole thing,“I thought we had something…” He whimpered.
His eyes glossy and tear-full, he flew away.