:iconfacehoofplz: Whelp. Back to Canterlot we go. :iconcelestiaorlyplz: But what about Nightmare Moon? You’ll need friends to take her on.
:iconcrylightsparkleplz: But I killed all my friends. :iconrainbowdashwtfplz: Uh… no. No you didn’t. :iconcrylightsparkleplz: THEY’RE ALL DEEEAAADDD!
:icondashienuuuplz: Oh no we’re all dead! :iconcelestiaorlyplz: :iconnightmaremoonplz: Anyways; I just wanted to take over the skies and bring about eternal night.
:icontwilightchallengeplz: What? Why? All plant life will die in Equestria without the sun. :iconnightmaremoonplz: I CARE NOT for your petty grievances!.
:icontwilightchallengeplz: How are you going to rule a kingdom without subjects? :iconnightmaremoonplz: I will- :icontwilightgalaplz: I think somepony wants a slumber party marathon!
:iconnightmaremoonplz: FINE. Truth. We’ll go with truth. :iconcelestiaorlyplz: Of all the princesses in kingdom, who would you marry? :iconnightmaremoonnoesplz: :icontwilight-rapefaceplz:
:iconlunaissadplz: Fine. I’d marry Princess Saria. :icontrollestiaplz: The Saddle Arabian pony? Ooh hoo hoo that’s spicy.
I claim ownership of all other art assets.