Ive been going through my old files and remembered this piece had a way higher resolution. Which you can get +here (5000 x 5000 25mbs) It was a piece done for /mlp/s charity table thing a year ago or so.
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Full size BBcode Copy[img]https://cdn.ponybooru.org/img/2020/7/27/1056304/full.png[/img] [url=https://ponybooru.org/images/1056304]View on Ponybooru[/url] - [url=http://stoicfive.tumblr.com/post/111612359839/ive-been-going-through-my-old-files-and]Original source[/url]
Thumbnailed BBcode Copy[img]https://cdn.ponybooru.org/img/2020/7/27/1056304/medium.png[/img] [url=https://ponybooru.org/images/1056304]View on Ponybooru[/url] - [url=http://stoicfive.tumblr.com/post/111612359839/ive-been-going-through-my-old-files-and]Original source[/url]