Sour Sweet, being the most fleet-footed, reached the laundry room first. As she entered, something latched onto her vest. She looked down to find a pale fur-covered face with a pair of beady eyes staring back at her.
Sour screamed as she spun around and backed into a washing machine. The monkey let out its own shrill howl, revealing its four pointy canine teeth. In one of its hands was a pair of navy blue boxer shorts. Indigo Zap stepped forward armed with the same wooden softball bat she had the night before. Lemon, Sunny and Sugarcoat arrived as Indigo readied her bat.
“Sour,” said Indigo. “Don’t. Move.” End of Excerpt
For some good old-fashioned pencil practice, I decided to sketch this scene from one of my sillier fanfics.