Bulk Biceps and Fluttershy are head of this family. They tender love each other, dispite the difference in their sizes and in all of Equestria you will not find a more harmonious pair.
Butterfly. This girl totally not like her parents. She’s noisy, fast and never sits on one set. Sometimes her energy is destructive, but young mare do not care about this. Moreover, she’s completely intolerable and stubborn. The only thing that always confuses Butterfly is her huge size compared with other fillies.
Featherweight was an ordinary little foal until he has grown and matured. He visibly stretched, although he is more thin than massive. He remained crooked teeth, but some mares find it charmin. Except Diamond Tiara, of course. She became the marefriend of Featherweight and his deal partner. Together they contain a family business selling antique ornaments. And although stallion became a good businesspony, Diamond frankly pissed off by the antics of her husband. In my fanon Featherweight is son of Bulkbiceps and unknowh pony.