“Come on, just one more? Please?”
“Sweetie, I’m pretty sure this is cheating.”
“It’s not cheating! You said ‘use every advantage you have on the battlefield’, and I’m doing that. I’m using you!”
“…there’s two hidden by that fence post.”
Happy Easter, you dweebs! Hope this one’s a fun one for you!
Anyway, Sweet Apple Acres is playing host to the Spring Solstice Celebration, catering to the fine folks of Ponyville with the finest food they can bake, and the freshest, coldest cider they can squeeze. And as the tradition goes, they set up the egg hunt around the farm, though it seems Sweetie Belle has an unfair advantage here. Rarity is not amused.
You know, if they stole Christmas, Halloween, and Valentines, can’t see why they’d stop there.
Sweetie wanted Chief to wear the bunny tail too, but he has his limits.
Babs is pissed because Applejack wouldn’t let her stay inside playing video games. Now she has to watch the mudbrats crawl around in the dirt. Lame.
(Oh dammit I forgot to stick Apple Bloom in here. We’ll say she’s helping Granny get some stuff out of the kitchen. Perfect)