And thats how you ruin a good day in two little words. Sweetie Belle braced herself as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon stomped towards them, ready for the shove or pinch or whatever nastiness she had planned for today.Tiara was scowling, while Silver seemed oddly giddy, trying to keep her face straight the whole time.
Tiara shoved an accusatory finger in Sweeties face. So I hear youre starting gymnastics! What, are you trying to upstage me, blank-flank? In truth, Sweetie had been going for the past few weeks, and hadnt seen Tiara there once. Her butler was a regular, however, and was remarkable spry for a stallion his age. Maybe if you actually went to class The comeback died on Sweeties lips, but Tiara heard it all the same. SO you do think youre better than me! But then her scowl twisted into a sinister grin. Well then, prove it. Sweetie was taken aback. “How?” Tiara pointed towards the monkey bars, grin widening. “There. Bet you can’t hang upside down from those!” Thats it? Tiara only grinned, while Silver continued to suppress her strange glee. With the smugness that can only come from proving the other guy wrong, Sweetie strode over to the bars, the two bullies following behind.
At the top of the monkey bars sat Pipsqueak, who quite happily helped Sweetie hoist herself up to the top. For a second she sat there, looking all around. The only other ponies around were Snips and Snails playing with their dumb action figures by the slides, and Rarity, who was sitting on a bench nearby. The two bullies called up to her. Come on then! Lets see what you got! Carefully she turned herself around and latched her legs on one of the supports. Checking to make sure she was secure, she leaned back and let the world flip upside down.
There was a gasp from Pipsqueak, and a delighted squeal from Silver before she covered her mouth. Diamond only laughed. Hey dork, guess what: gravity works! Sweetie looked up (or was it down?) and realized her mistake. She had forgotten she was wearing that sundress, and the world wasn’t the only thing that had flipped. In a panic she tried to get back up, only to realize she couldnt quite reach the bars again. Tiara began to walk away, still laughing. Its been fun hanging out, Blank-flank. Lets do it again! Oh, good luck getting down! Pip seemed transfixed by the sight, and Snips and Snails were starting to notice.
Oh horse apples…