“It’s so good to be able to just sit and talk with you Rarity. You wouldn’t believe how hard it is to find any amount of free time these days,” Fancy Pants said before taking a sip of his coffee.
“Oh I know. I can’t tell you how often I am just swamped with orders,” Rarity said with her award winning smile. “I just wish Fleur could have joined us today. I haven’t seen her in so long.”
“Ah, yes. She would have loved to come today, but she just couldn’t get out of that photo shoot. You know how Photo Finish can be.”
“Tell me about it. I think Fluttershy still has night mares of that time. She still doesn’t trust anypony with a…”
“Hey Rarity!”
“Yes Sweetie Be…” Rarity’s eyes went wide when she saw Sweetie Belle standing at the door of the kitchen. In one of her arms was a laundry basket. In her other hand though…
“Rarity, I think your underwear got mixed in with mine. What do you want me to do with it?”
Rarity swallowed a lump in her throat as she looked between the pair of panties in Sweetie’s hand and Fancy Pants. “N-n-nonsense! Those aren’t mine!” She flashed a quick, embarrassed smile at Fancy Pants. “Those are obviously yours. Just take them upstairs to your room and…”
“Mine? They’re too big for me!” squeaked Sweetie Belle as she examined the garment in her hand. “Plus, I see you wearing them all the time, so what do you want me to do with them?”
“Those are yours?” Fancy Pants asked as he eyed the panties with his critiquing eye.
“Um, well, I, uh, er…” Rarity didn’t know what to say. There was no way she could spin this situation in her favor.
“Why, those are just plain adorable!” Rarity’s face glowed a bright pink at this point. She was giving Pinkie’s coat a run for it’s money. “It’s so nice to see somepony embracing their inner child like this. Once again you manage to surprise me in the best of ways Rarity.”