As I mentioned before I’ve been playing around with SFM, trying to learn posing and effects. I’ve been browsing all over the place to find a setting fitting enough for what I wish to do. After digging I Found a some what good enough Ponyville set.
I decided to play around with some of the models to see what I could do in a short time. Despite running into a few hickups on the models them selves, I managed to get a silly 10 minute scene up.
Let me know what you think ? Also I have a new character I’d like to introduce you all to soon, Its just finding the right place to do it is a kick in the butt.
Feed back would be great if anyones willing, Also I know this current scene is lacking in shadows. I’ll work on that soon.
If this stuff pans out, I’ll be able to do fast/silly responses as well as my art with out having to stress over everything at once.