Viewing last 25 versions of post by stsyn in topic [Userscript] Derpibooru Image Importer


"[@Anonymous #76CF":](/forums/meta/topics/userscript-derpibooru-image-importer?post_id=3146#post_3146

I clearly remember that overall consensus on derpibooru about "derpibooru exclusive" tag is that it's need to be premiered on derpibooru, not to be actually "exclusive".[/bq]

It is this way, but I don't see any usage of this tag on ponibooru. Same way derpibooru may have tags "ponybooru exclusive", "deviantart exclusive", "twitter exclusive", and I don't think it will provide any purpose. There is source url field for this kind of information.


iler]~if it's regarding derpibooru, then it's better to move this topic to derpibooru itself~[/spoiler]||%
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Edited by stsyn