Ponybooru Moderation Feedback

Anonymous #297F
@Anonymous #BC52
Rule 4 is illegal content. I really hope you mean rule 3. Otherwise your “furry art” has some unfortunate implications.
I’m not sure I’d describe the problem as “unable to take on more responsibility”, although I don’t know the internal state of the staff team. From the outside it looks more like “power needs to be handled in a neutral and unbiased manner”. Maybe one implies the other, I’m not sure.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

All this just begs the question: what else have the mod team done behind peoples’ backs? The first deletion was something Acres just so conveniently forgot to mention in the mod log and would probably have gone unnoticed if not for someone actually asking what had happened to it. What else has the mod team done and just never put it in the log?
Anonymous #BC52
@Anonymous #297F
True, I mixed them up because of the rewrite that happened a while back.
Though if you ask me, a place where furry art is illegal sounds like a good place
There’s that, too. However, it’s much easier to apply rules fairly if you truly believe in them.
As far as I know, this is the only case where something like this happened. But then, I haven’t been very active in the past year, and I doubt you’d take my word for it.
Anonymous #297F
As far as image deletions are concerned this would be fairly simple to check in an automated fashion.
Iterate over every image on the site, note down all deleted images. Then throw away all images whose ID is present in any message in the mod log. Whatever remains needs to be checked in detail. Not a perfect approach by any means but it would give a decent overview of the situation.
Comments and other actions would be a bit harder though.
I wouldn’t mind someone doing this. The whole point of the log is accountability and transparency. So a kind of “third party review” is something I’d consider intended function.
Anonymous #297F
So I have been doing a few tests with the API to see how viable it is to scrape the data for a modlog audit. The actual modlog is fine but my scraper as is is way too slow to get all 3 million images in a reasonable time.
However I found an interesting image (>>162) that seems to just not exist. Also no mod log entry although given the ID it might predate the creation of the mod log. But instead of having a deletion notice like normal it just flat 404s.
Anyone here got an idea whats up with that?
Anonymous #BC52
@Anonymous #297F
My wager is that the image was nuked, and not just deleted. Deleted images still exist on the server, just don’t show up to regular users. Properly nuked images are actually straight up gone from the database.
Anonymous #746B
For what’s worth, /mlp/ had enough with this crappy call to arms and simply saged the little shitpost thread, then has been purging out the new attempts to start a new one and the rest of the board simply moved on.
Anons are nobody’s personal army indeed.
Anonymous #7B89
Not going into anything about how this situation was dealt with, but, I legitimately do not understand how so many people here can be acting so entitled to someone else’s personal character. If it is not your character you are not entitled to do anything you want with them. It shouldn’t be this hard to be a somewhat decent person and respect other people’s boundaries.
Happening to draw someone else’s personal characters in a way they dont like is kind of an understandable mistake. But it is not your right to be able to draw whatever you want with them. Literally entitled thick-headed mentality. Cope and seethe with the fact that not everything belongs to you.
Anonymous #B8DB
But it is not your right to be able to draw whatever you want
Drawing, voting, and saying what you want is literally the entire reason this and other sites split off from derpi.
Dex Stewart
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

If anyone wants to draw oc’s and you’re not sure what the creator’s thoughts on that would be, give them this cutie Mark.
Anonymous #746B
The fact you guys are still allowed to keep attacking and trying to cause more trouble in here instead of just being kicked out should tell you a lot about how different this place is compared to Derpibooru.
Especially with the way as you keep trying to claim that you should be allowed to attack, provoke and do whatever you want while anyone who isn’t yourselves basically has no rights and only has to endure it because you said so.
Anonymous #5726
@Anonymous #746B
>Attacking people
Yes, people are allowed to draw pictures and express opinions even if other people disagree. Filters exist for a reason.
>basically has no rights and only has to endure it because you said so
Oh no, content I don’t like! My human rights are being violated!
Seriously though, what the fuck are you even talking about anymore
Anonymous #C7AC
But it is not your right to be able to draw whatever you want with them.
Except it is. Free speech, y’know, what that thing the site was initially founded on. It’s either all okay or it’s not. What reason should there be exempted OCs from r34 or other art? Would this be a good example for exclusion? You can see the comments on derpi for the drama that occurred. The OC owner has made it abundantly clear they do NOT want gay art of their OC. Should that be honored through rules? I don’t think it should simply because there’s no reason to. It’s called understanding the nature of the internet and growing up. If you don’t like something of your OC(s) being drawn, filter it. If it’s not tagged properly, report it. Simple as.
Anonymous #A12B
What happened to him? I have understood he was a moderator, so hopefully asking this will not that off-topic.
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