Viewing last 25 versions of post by evan555alpha in topic Mod Audit Log

Rampant Stag - A swift sidekick
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Artist - you can stop complaining about not having any flavour text on your artist badge now
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Head Administrator
UwU Chwyasawis my waifu
> *
> [
Post":](/forums/dis/topics/derpibooru-post-traumatic-stress-disorder-relief-thread?post_id=64459#post_64459) in the Derpi PTSD Thread

> *
Rule #7

> *
*Action taken:*
None - though nearly off-topic, the user _*is_* still talking about their actions over on Derpi.[/bq]



> *
> [
Post":](/forums/dis/topics/big-bad-politics?post_id=65115#post_65115) in the Politics Thread

> *
Rule #7

> *
*Action taken:*
None - the user is talking in reference to how he's not the government's bitch.[/bq]



> *
> >>3048349

> *
Takedown request: Post being targeted for harassments and bullying

> *
*Action Taken:*
None - Just because an _*image_* is being targeted for "harassment" does not mean that any user can come up and have it taken down; if you feel that _*you_* are the target of said harassment, please make another report stating as such.[/bq]



> *
> >>287435

> *
Rule #3: Hello,

My pseudo is Tatzled-Zorg and I did not post this, it isn't mine and I think the person is impersonating me.

Can you please delete this post?


> *
*Action Taken:*
None - The image was uploaded as part of a mass-import during the first few weeks of the site's existence. Nobody is impersonating anyone. If you would still like it taken down, then you can create an account and follow through with the proper DNP process.[/bq]



> *
> [
Post":](/forums/meta/topics/ponybooru-moderation-feedback?post_id=64269#post_64269) in the Moderation Feedback Thread

> *
Rule #7

> *
*Action taken:*
Post deleted for being off-topic.[/bq]
Reason: Formatting
Edited by evan555alpha