Viewing last 25 versions of post by FeatherTrap in topic Video game thread

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HELLDIVERS II is an amazing game, easily the best multiplayer only game of the last five years at least, the only live service game actually worth a squirt of piss since that cancerous concept was introduced into gaming and it's a ton of fun purging the galaxy of xenos and bots in the name of Democracy, set against the backdrop of what Paul Verhoeven thinks STARSHIP TROOPERS is.

Now that I've said all that so you all know that yes, I am on board with current popular thing, can we please now all acknowledge that the launch has been **a complete clusterfuck of one disaster after another?**

Nevermind adding the Illumiantes as a faction back into the game, right now how about we just settle for **servers** in the next fuckin' update? The ever dreaded "servers at full capacity" screen is so pervasive that it practically undid all the good will they tried to gather back with the Double XP Weekend-which for the record was **in and of itself AN APOLOGY for a bug that prevented any progress rewards from being given out after the completion of missions** btw-because no-one could log in and play.

For several hours today, even the damn "servers are at full capacity" screen was a luxury, for me and all my friends it would just be an endless black screen when we tried to start the game up, a problem that has been mentioned by others on both the steam and subreddit so I know it's a systemic issue with the game itself.

Desynch and Disconnection issues are rampant, and it's probably no thanks to the game's rather infamous gameguard software nProtect. Currently the steam page has gone from an Overwhelmingly Positive rating to a Mixed rating and to be perfectly honest, I cannot blame people for having that reaction. It's like we learninged nothing from the **Diablo III** fiasco **twelve bloody years ago**.

I love playing this game so much, but the process in actually just getting it to work-heck just getting _into the game_ is such a damn pain in the ass. I hope you don't mainly have friends that live in vastly different timezones to you, that can only spare time to play with you at certain times of the day and those times match up with when the servers are overcrowded. Because if you do then this game becomes a very lonely experience damn quick...speaking from experience here. I want to like it but...not in it's current state, not a chance.
No reason given
Edited by FeatherTrap