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Viewing last 25 versions of post by Azure Fang in topic Video game thread

Azure Fang
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Oh no, he's here?
"[@Officer Hotpants":](/forums/dis/topics/video-game-thread?post_id=5655#post_5655
You see, I'm one of those heathens that didn't actually like Legend of Dragoon and can't see all the hype about it, even though I **breathe** RPGs. Suppose I could go back and give it another chance; I do own it and have ISO'd it already.

As to difficulties with Vagrant Story, the issue is it has a _*really_* harsh resistance system; you needed to keep one weapon of each physical type (blunt, slash, pierce) on hand at all times or you were relatively fucked. You could bypass it by chaining attacks until your risk was high enough to give you an ungodly damage bonus, but if you screwed up your timing on a single strike you'd be dead in a single hit.


@Officer Hotpants":](/forums/dis/topics/video-game-thread?post_id=5659#post_5659
You just reminded me that I lost my Realm Grinder save paste when I reformatted. The curse is lifted! **I'm free!**
No reason given
Edited by Azure Fang