Viewing last 25 versions of post by UrbanMysticDee in topic Say What You Can't Elsewhere! (NSFW)

Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Saw this on twitter yesterday and it's the absolute truth.

The reason white people are failing is because conservative whites have swallowed the Ayn Rand "virtue of selfishness" bullshit. Every other ethnicity is collectivist, and that's why they're winning. Individualism is killing white people, literally, in their own countries.

Even wignats are individualist. They believe if they exterminate all the non-whites (or enough of them) then all the remaining whites can live in white utopia as rugged individuals not interacting with each other or being assholes to each other.

White person complains about how the economy is rigged or something. Conservative whites say: "Suck it up, buttercup! Pull yourself up by your bootstraps! Hustle! Work 3 jobs. Faggot. I work 150 hours a week and rent a car with 7 roommates. Pansy ass faggot weakling deserves to suffer more to learn not to complain. Hard times make strong men, and you are a weak man, faggot."

"Your parents don't owe you the generational wealth they inherited from their ancestors going back centuries! They earned it! They deserve to spend every last penny and leave you with nothing, entitled snowflake! Melt through facts and logic!"

"You want a job that pays you enough to pay rent and eat food in the same month! You're a evil, selfish, lazy, entitled communist! Only ultraorthodox Jews in Israel deserve welfare! You have to work 4 jobs so they can grow curley locks and bob their heads like pigeons!"

Even the wignats are like that. They'll respond "Teh Jooz! Big nose Kike! Hale Hortler! Patton was right, we fought the wrong enemy. Jooz!" And the 99% of whites who aren't edgelord neonazi laarpers are driven away. They think "if we just kill enough jews," or "if we just kill enough blacks, then we can be asocial schizos living on the Internet fantasizing over Ayriyan virgins who don't want us because we're losers."

Black person complains about anything, even if it's their own fault.
All blacks respond by joining together to burn a whole neighborhood to the ground and riot until they get concessions from businesses and the government. Now 70% of all new jobs go to black people because they understand that strength comes from collectivism. Individualism is death.

It's the story that's been told a million times because there's truth in it. You can break a single stick, but you have a bundle of weak sticks and put them together you can't break them. We're stronger together than we are alone. Even the Founding Fathers, who we are lied to all the time that they were atheists who believed in rugged individualism, said that "We either we all hang together (we unite behind a common goal and fight as one) or we shall all hang separately (the British will execute us as traitors)."

When I was a kid there were assholes, to be sure, but most people at least pretended to be friendly to each other to keep civilization from falling apart. Now everyone is an asshole. "The customer service worker, whose job is literally to serve you, the customer, doesn't owe you small talk! Give the corporation your money and get the fuck out already! People have 26 hours of traffic to sit in (not me, I live behind a computer)."

I hated small talk for most of my life but now I realize it serves an important function as social glue that keeps civilization from collapsing. Even the people who say it's okay to keep the tradition going want it even more hyper-ritualized. "How dare you ask the clerk about the tattoo they have on their face! That's personal. You're ONLY supposed to say 'how's the weather?' and 'how are you today?' If you say anything else you're a pervert creep loser faggot!"

Nobody is allowed to know anyone. We all have to be individualized, atomized consoomers. We slave in our wage cages for 16 hours a day and then consoom until our bodies give out, then we go to the euthanasia clinic in Canada and get put down like an old dog while collectivist minorities get concessions. Our small, tight-knit communities are gone, and anyone who wants to get them back is labeled a communist who wants you to "live in a pod and eat bugs".

"Eeeehhh, you want to take proven steps to restore mom and pop businesses on main street and strengthen the community to reduce crime, poverty, and increase purpose in life by having walkable neighborhoods? Not today Klaus Schwab! Bugs! Pods! Depopulation agenda 21! Chemicals in the water! War on cars! I'm a rugged individual who will never live in a pod and eat bugs! I just want to live in a van down by the river and be a hunter gatherer and watch civilization collapse!"

White people have become so fucking stupid. They're celebrating their own self-destruction.
No reason given
Edited by UrbanMysticDee