Viewing last 25 versions of post by Officer Hotpants in topic Say What You Can't Elsewhere! (NSFW)

Officer Hotpants
Rabid Squirrel - Don't pet it.
A toast - Incredibly based
Officer Shid pants - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Double-0 Negative
For me it's more that these are usually people who mostly have it pretty good. If they were a bunch of sub-Al Bundy losers living out of their vans who can barely afford to both feed themselves _*and_* wash their clothes at the laundromat every other week then I'd understand it. But they're not. They're usually relatively well-off people who've become obsessed with one thing that they were denied. And because that one thing was denied to them, the world is now an unlivable hell spiraling into an inevitable oblivion.

They're you're typical the-end-is-nigh doomsayers sans the charisma.
No reason given
Edited by Officer Hotpants
Officer Hotpants
Rabid Squirrel - Don't pet it.
A toast - Incredibly based
Officer Shid pants - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Double-0 Negative
For me it's more that these are usually people who mostly have it pretty good. If they were a bunch of sub-Al Bundy losers living out of their vans who can barely afford to both feed themselves _and_ wash their clothes at the laundromat every other week then I'd understand it. But they're not. They're usually relatively well-off people who've become obsessed with one thing that they were denied. And because that one thing was denied to them, the world is now an unlivable hell spiraling into an inevitable oblivion.

They're you're typical the-end-is-nigh doomsayers sans the charisma.
No reason given
Edited by Officer Hotpants