Viewing last 25 versions of post by Anonymous #B19F in topic Derpibooru Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Relief Thread

Anonymous #B19F

[@Anonymous #5F71":](/forums/dis/topics/derpibooru-post-traumatic-stress-disorder-relief-thread?post_id=62369#post_62369
It's funny how TSP is obsessed with channers supposedly chasing him everywhere.
The truth is they see him as what exactly he is: an autistic coward who at much is a lolcow and nothing else.


Basically if you want to get unbanned you need to suckiss their asses, that's why I never apologized to them since most of my bans were actually too much arbitrary., Athere's nothing to apologize for and even less to thiat bunch of mentally deranged "people". These kind of things is what makes Ciaran being the condenscending cunt he is. and have a little bit of power in that site.
No reason given
Edited by Anonymous #B19F