Viewing last 25 versions of post by to_fat_to_fly in topic Derpibooru Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Relief Thread

Rampant Stag - A swift sidekick (Serendipitously Sexy)
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

"[@Anonymous #A99E":](/forums/dis/topics/derpibooru-post-traumatic-stress-disorder-relief-thread?post_id=60919#post_60919
) #A99E"] 

" [@to_fat_to_fly":](/forums/dis/topics/derpibooru-post-traumatic-stress-disorder-relief-thread?post_id=60918#post_60918
Everyone knew the ones that started bitching would leave even if they got their way. It was only about getting their way. If a lot of the artists that stuck for freedom of expression and creativity stayed on the DNP before finding out everyone was lied to then Derpi would be pretty much dead. Most of them don't post there it's others posting it so if they told them no Derpi would die cold and alone. Eventually they will start telling artist what they can and can not create. [/bq]

Tbqh I just think it was staff fearing that theyd lose wheatever power they had.
Its like the Twitter retards, they have no real control over anything but have to keep a false personality alive with false morality otherwise their "friend" groups will leave them, or no one will give a shit as to what they have to say. There is no political principals behind any of it, It's just fear of being a regular nobody again since they dont produce anything outside of that personality that lets them get close to people who actually have influence/create.
It's why they dont enforce anything they pretend to champion even after the fact, and why most of the artists that protested at first have since relented or quit caring. Peak first world, every problem is manufactured, no one really cares until they have something tangible to sacrifice

I say this because I also quit caring. I just look at what got sacrificed for the mods listening to some lolcows for the sake of their perceived image
I want things to go back to the way they were but also cant bring myself to upload.
No reason given
Edited by to_fat_to_fly
Rampant Stag - A swift sidekick (Serendipitously Sexy)
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

"@Anonymous #A99E":/forums/dis/topics/derpibooru-post-traumatic-stress-disorder-relief-thread?post_id=60919#post_60919
[bq="Anonymous #A99E"] "@to_fat_to_fly":/forums/dis/topics/derpibooru-post-traumatic-stress-disorder-relief-thread?post_id=60918#post_60918
Everyone knew the ones that started bitching would leave even if they got their way. It was only about getting their way. If a lot of the artists that stuck for freedom of expression and creativity stayed on the DNP before finding out everyone was lied to then Derpi would be pretty much dead. Most of them don't post there it's others posting it so if they told them no Derpi would die cold and alone. Eventually they will start telling artist what they can and can not create. [/bq]

Tbqh I just think it was staff fearing that theyd lose wheatever power they had.
Its like the Twitter retards, they have no real control over anything but have to keep a false personality alive with false morality otherwise their "friend" groups will leave them, or no one will give a shit as to what they have to say. There is no political principals behind any of it, It's just fear of being a regular nobody again since they dont produce anything outside of that personality that lets them get close to people who actually have influence/create.
It's why they dont enforce anything they pretend to champion even after the fact, and why most of the artists that protested at first have since relented or quit caring. Peak first world, every problem is manufactured, no one really cares until they have something tangible to sacrifice

I say this because I also quit caring. I just look at what got sacrificed for the sake of mods listening to some lolcows for the sake of their perceived image
No reason given
Edited by to_fat_to_fly