> >>2764681 is uploaded to Derpibooru, anonymously
> 12 hours later, someone from staff changes artist tag to one of the uploader (remember, anonymous upload, it's only visible to staff) and deletes it for DNP, without even bothering to check who the REAL artist, with very distinctive style, is
> >the joke is that they could've deleted it for DNP anyway because Cammy is "artist upload only" DNP, but no, M-MUST RUSHBAN
> Cammy proceeds to upload it himself. It immediately (5 minutes) gets taken down for R1 DNP, later replaced with R6 reuploading deleted image.
> Cammy reuploads it again, pointing out that he's the artist and can do it in the process
> The image lasts 2 hours before derpistaff remember they have an universal "fuck you I ban what I want" rule, deleting the image for R0 - harassment
> 1.5 hours later, the image is restored but Cammy is banned for 3 days for R0 "harassment and REPEATED disregard of rules", emphasis mine
> >m-muh presentation, can't show our fuckups to users (image deletion reasons are visible to everyone), must rugsweep them (user bans are only visible to themselves)
> >literally narcissism 101
> Two more hours, and the image is deleted again for "Rule #0: Harassment of an individual (derogatory portrayal as a snake)"
> Based anon draws >>2766066 and, with a slight modification (added Cadence) uploads it to Derpi
> Not even two minutes later, it's banned with "rule 0" and quote from it about don't incite
> Then after five minutes it's undeleted with locked comments
> anon draws a sketchy but super cute Derpy lamia
> it's deleted for R0 and uploader banned for a week
> based anon draws Derpy as a lamia with a mouseffin, explicitly suspiciously specifically denying it being for the cause (and linking it to the request to draw snek Derpy)
> four hours in and it's somehow not deleted
No, don't edit the snake tongue out, give her a lamia tail so that **>M-MUH PRESENTAYSHON** looks even worse.
[@Anonymous #5F71":](/forums/dis/topics/derpibooru-post-traumatic-stress-disorder-relief-thread?post_id=26088#post_26088
> It's a fresh restart that automatically clears him from all the bad things he did under the other name, or at least that's what he must believe.[/bq]
But the image portraying Derpy with a snake tongue is nonetheless deleted for "being derogatory to an user".
[@Anonymous #7590](/forums/dis/topics/derpibooru-post-traumatic-stress-disorder-relief-thread?post_id=26080#post_26080)
Did you catch the 3D one?
>USED to work for the mafia in Japan
When, over 15 years ago, since that's when Yakuza met their end? And is he aware that without proof it's just another piece of evidence for ciaran being pathological liar?