Viewing last 25 versions of post by UrbanMysticDee in topic Big Bad Politics!

Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay

People always say that the poor are obese because of the food they eat.

Bullshit. I'm poor, I eat garbage food, how come I'm not fat? I'm struggling just to keep my weight from falling. Where's the mountains of food I'm supposed to be getting?

And people LIE. I've had European, fat, ugly, man-hating lesbians tell me you can get fat eating 400 calories of carbs a day. BULLSHIT! You could eat 400 calories of lard a day and still lose weight because you're body is burning more energy just to keep homeostasis than you're taking in. Thermodynamics exists, if you could gain weight on a starvation diet you'd win the Nobel Prize for proving you can get energy out of nothing. These were the same people who called me racist for condemning Al Qaeda for abducting children and selling them into sex slavery because "it's their culture".
These people are getting food from somewhere, they're not getting fat because they have a nice bowl of starve for breakfast and eat a twinkie and a bag of chips for dinner.
No reason given
Edited by UrbanMysticDee