Viewing last 25 versions of post by AlsoSprachOdin in topic Big Bad Politics!


The school shooter in Texas was apparently firing his gun for a12 goddamin hourtes outside the school, before going in.
And not only did the cops stand around and do nothing, they straight up tackled parents who were trying to go in to protect their children.
It's not a gun-problem. I don't know what the problem is that kept the teachers from getting the kids out of the area through the backdoor, or kept anyone in the state of Texas from just shooting the guy before the cops showed up.
Maybe the defund-the-cops crowd had a point.
No reason given
Edited by AlsoSprachOdin

The school shooter in Texas was apparently firing his gun for a goddamn hour outside the school, before going in.
And not only did the cops stand around and do nothing, they straight up tackled parents who were trying to go in anto protect their children.
It's not a gun-problem. I don't know what the problem is that kept the teachers from getting the kids out of the area through the backdoor, or kept anyone in the state of Texas from just shooting the guy before the cops showed up.
Maybe the defund-the-cops crowd had a point.
No reason given
Edited by AlsoSprachOdin