Viewing last 25 versions of post by Soddy in topic Big Bad Politics!


"[@Exhumed Legume":](/forums/dis/topics/big-bad-politics?post_id=39716#post_39716
) Legume"] 

" [@Maulkin":](/forums/dis/topics/big-bad-politics?post_id=39713#post_39713
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So wait - propaganda convinced the Germans that they were living comfortably [/bq]

Conditioning people to accept their condition is indeed on of the uses of propaganda.

North Korea does it, China does it, the Soviet Union did it, etc etc.[/bq]

Wow, truly amazing that they were able to do that in a short... What, 15 years or so? Absolutely amazing that they could convince the populace to accept totalitarianism in that short amount of time ^.^



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NO U [/bq]
How compelling.[/bq]

Yeah, good try there. Come at me with something of substance besides editing my shit to make strawmen?




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either the German people were quite happy and content with a totalitarian regime that controlled their lives from top to bottom, or they were discontent with it [/bq]
Well, yeah.

Either North Koreans are happy with their lives because they don't know any better and the regime has convinced them the rest of the world is worse off, or they're not happy with it.[/bq]

Except NK still exists today, and even those who flee and still fear for the lives of their families often tell of the atrocities committed by the NK government, and the NK government has existed for generations at this point. The Nazi party, on the other hand, was supported by the German people, and honestly pretty good for the German people, and a mere 15 years of propaganda wouldn't have been possible to convince them that totalitarianism was a good thing.

- again, umnless what they wanted Lwas 'totalitarianism', and that's what madegu them re"]ally [bq]happy.

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Why should we think that people who are actually oppressed by a totalitarian government would be any more surprised? [/bq]
You do know oppression doesn't always manifest itself openly as a whip and a cudgel, and evil doesn't necessarily reveal itself by twirling its mustache at you while cackling maniacally, right?

"Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked." [/bq]

So it's totalitarian, but the vast majority of people just run their lives free of government intervention and do what they naturally want to do - raise families, build communities, etc... There's no open whip and cudgel (as there is in today's society when you, say, insist there are only two genders, or point out racial disparities), there's no people gloating and cackling over their suppression of you and your kin (as is the case with people crowing over the 'end of whiteness' and such, in our news- and social-media)... Gosh, and it only took 15 years to 'hoodwink' those 'poor oppressed German people' into liking 'it', whatever 'it' is... And the society that such a 'totalitarian' system made was a functional, strong society that took the entire world to bring down, as opposed to this dysfunctional, degenerating, broken society where you can't say a tranny faggot is a tranny faggot, you can't point out that 13 do 50, you cannot name (((them))) without having your entire life ruined...

Man, you're making a pretty strong case for Totalitarian-Fascism! Can we have Fascism now, plz? I'd much prefer that to the Totalitarian-Fagism we're living under now =D
No reason given
Edited by Soddy