Sparkler beamed happily as she sat in her room. Down stairs she can hear her mother humming, probably baking the last batch of muffins. She sneaked stealthy out of her room and peered to the floor below. Dinky was stepping lightly to the the living room. “ Thanks for the help muffin!” Depry called form the kitchen “ I’ll be there in a second. “ Depry was probably going to lay down with Dinky and read her one of her stories. Sparkler twitch her tail anxiously waiting for their mother to leave the kitchen.
She had spent a good couple of months now on her gift and was bubbling out of her skin to give it the best mother a filly could have. With the sound of the oven shutting Sparkler stooped low against the upper floor hallway watching from the the gaps in the banister. With a fluff of her Derpy and a shake of her flour dusted mane her mother labored out. Her wings were lain softly on the her sides almost as if to hold her extended stomach. Smiling and bobbing her head as she walked she entered into the living room. In Sparklers excitement she bumped her head against the railing but managed to muffle her meep. Turing she bolted into her room.
Levinating a bundle of cloth behind her Sparkler entered the living room. She was smiling ear to ear. “ Mom! “ she called out in pride “ I made you something I hope you like it!” opening up the bundle and presented the hoof/horn crafted turtleneck sweater to Derpy. Derpy sat up awkwardly all the while looking a mixture of love, surpirse and honored. “ Sp - Sparkler, you didn’t have to, its to loving… so soft “ taking into her hooves. Derpy pushed her head into the sweater and popped her head out and tugged it down, but it barely went past her chest. “ Oh Sparkler.. “ it hit her like a brink everything scattered it was going to happen again. Tears began to wail up, No - can’t show them it will make it worse. As her memories cam flashing back where she had messed something up before, messed a lot of things up, and she payed for it. She know what was going to come, the shouting, the hurtful things that always happen when ever she did something that wasn’t right. It wasn’t her parents fault, it was hers, they were just . . . correcting her
“ Sparkler - don’t, I love it.” came the most saddest sound she had ever hear.
(Sparkler in this was adopted from an abusive home, which explains her emotional outburst.)