I had my fun with the lights but that was nothing special. I also like the invisible bottles I’m using but as said, they are invisible ;)
Title: “A Royal Match”
Alternative Title: “A Battle Royale” - kind regards to Syndar
Kind of a background story
Both regal mares had an eye on each other for a very long time. But neither of them really had the chance to show her superiority over the other mare yet. But then one day, when the stars could aid her attack, Nightmare Moon took her chance to do so. But since it was so predictable when she will arrive, Queen Chrysalis also knew where to search for the arrival of the Queen of the Night. Although Chrysalis was prepared for that final duel, Nightmare Moon was also not tired to train herself for that exact moment. As their looked at each other, both gave each other a spiteful greeting. They may are battle mares but they are still regal and polite, at least in a formal way.
So then the challenge has started and who knows when it will end if it will ever end. Some even doubt that there will be a winner after all, but that are all just speculations.
(certainly not) The END
Credits at the source as usual.