#58 - 7“Twilight, calm down it’s oka-” “Why didn’t my alarm go off?! Oh no oh no oh no, -” “Twilight will you just listen for a minute-” “How’d I get up here anyways?! I don’t remember going up to bed! - ” “Twi-” “And I haven’t even gotten breakfast started! Oh Rainbow Dash, I’m so sorry! -" “TWILIGHT!” “What?!” \*silence\* \*snickers\* “Okay, — now will you calm down for a minute?” “Rainbow, what in the name of Celestia are you doing with a bowl on your head?” “Well I was gonna bring you up breakfast in bed until somepony freaked out and thought it’d be fun to dress me up as some foal’s cereal mascot.” “Yeah... — Sorry about that. I don’t normally freak out like that...\*wilted\*...too often. What were you doing anyways? I have a lot of work to do and I’m already behind enough as it is-” “Hold up Twi. Lemme explain. — I got up again pretty late last night to check on you and found you snoring on your notes. I dunno if you remember, but I kinda had to carry you upstairs. You woke up along the way and tried to go back to your books, but you musta fallen asleep again. Long story short, I tucked you in, went back to bed, and now we’re here. Dunno what happened to your clock though. — Oh, and you’re totally on vacation now.”
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