Pumpkin Spice (Golden Delicious)Blizzard’s older sister, Applejack and Rainbow Dash’s first foal.Even though her name is Pumpkin Spice, Granny Smith is alwayscalls her Golden Delicious because, well, apple names, I guess?Pumpkin really likes styling her mane and even her brother’s, eventhough he gets annoyed by it sometimes. She’s pretty good friendswith Sweetie Belle since their age gap isn’t that big and she’s friendswith her aunt Apple Bloom.
Blizzard ButchProbably Applejack and Rainbow’s favorite child.He’s Pumpkin’s younger brother but still, taller than her. He’s moreathletic and has a good relationship with his mothers, he doesn’t likeother ponies touching his mane but he can tolerate his sister doing it.He’s not really social and outspoken but has a few close friends and isfine with it.
bases / selenaede